UAN - PF Process

What is UAN

UAN stands for Universal Account Number (12 digit number) to be allotted by EPFO. The UAN will act as an umbrella for the multiple Member IDs allotted to an individual by different establishments. The idea is to link multiple Member Identification Numbers (Member ID) allotted to a single member under single Universal Account Number. This will help the member to view details of all the Member Identification Numbers (Member ID) linked to it. If a member is already allotted Universal Account Number (UAN) then he / she is required to provide the same on joining new establishment to enable the employer to in-turn mark the new allotted Member Identification Number (Member Id) to the already allotted Universal Identification Number (UAN). Universal Account Number (UAN) is being allotted by Employees’ Fund Organization (EPFO) only.

You can check your UAN through your current employer. Now these days every employer updating the Universal Account number on Payslip.

How to activate and login to the EPFO website
Step 1 – Go to the UANPortal site - Click on Activate UAN

After clicking on the “Activate UAN” option, you will be redirected to a new page which will ask your Basic details.

Update your UAN Number / Name / Date of Birth / Mobile Number & Captcha, Click on Get Authorization Pin.

You will get an OTP on your register mobile number & Activate your UAN.

If you wish to update your new mobile number, you can change it through Link

Update your UAN & Enter Captcha.

Click NO on screen & update your details in next screen. Update your new mobile number & get OTP.

How to Change your Basic Details in UAN

Use your UAN and Password and fill up the Captcha to log in to the Portal.

Update KYC in UAN

To upload the KYC document on the EPF UAN, follow the steps mentioned below
Use your UAN and Password and fill up the Captcha to log in to the portal.

After logging in to the portal, go to the “Manage” option from the top menu bar. Once you have clicked on that, select the “KYC” option from the drop-down menu.

After clicking on the “KYC” option, you will be redirected to a new page which will contain a list with different “Document Type” and respective fields next to them which are to be filled up with the details of the document.

Once you update the KYC details in UAN, it will come to your employer’s bucket for approval. Once employer has verified and found the details matching and legitimate, employer will digitally attest the document. Once your document has been approved, authorities of the EPFO will then verify your approved document.

Once your KYC approved by employer & EPF officer, same will reflect on the below screen.

You can update / change your mobile number & mail ID by using below tab. Once you update your new contact details you will get an OTP. Submit the OTP & save the new contact details.

How to check PF Balance

You can check the balance anytime by using any one of these four options.

Umang App –(Unified Mobile APP for New Governance) 
Umang App was launched by the Government in the year 2019 and provides access to various Government services at one place. One can view EPF Passbook, raise claim and even track claim using the app. To get started, you need to complete a one-time registration using your phone number.

Use below link to get the Umang App.

EPFO Portal – Employees can access their PF Passbooks by using the link

To check your EPF account balance on the EPFO portal, you must have an active Universal Account Number (UAN).

Enter your UAN and password. The website allows you to view and download your EPF account statement.

Use your UAN and Password and fill up the Captcha to log in to the portal.

After logging in to the portal, select the MEMBER ID & click on view passbook.

Note - MEMBER ID is your Provident fund Account number, Its differ by every company to company.

Total EE Balance is Employee share 12 % on Basic

Total ER Balance is Employer share 3.67 % on Basic

Total Balance is Employee share 12 % on Basic + Employer share 3.67 % on Basic

Pension contributions 8.33 % on Basic salary will not add in total Balance.

You can get details of your latest contribution and the PF balance by sending an SMS to 7738299899.

You need to send this message: EPFOHO UAN ENG.

ENG is the first three characters of the preferred language. So, if you want to receive the message in Marathi, Type in EPFOHO UAN MAR.

The facility is available in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Bengali.

By just giving a missed call.

By giving a missed call on 011-22901406 from your registered mobile number will fetch you the details.

Make sure your UAN is seeded with your KYC details - Bank account number, Aadhaar and PAN.

PF Transfer

For online PF Transfer you need to first update the KYC details in UAN, as we mentioned earlier your Universal Account Number is same but MEMBER ID is your Provident fund Account number, Its differ by every company to company.

Login to Unified portal by using your credentials i.e., UAN number and password

After login, click on “Online Services”, then click on “One Member – One EPF Account (Transfer Request)

Read the instruction carefully

Recheck the personal information for current employment.

Select details of previous accounts (which are to be transferred) Update the UAN would appear on clicking on ‘Get details’ below. 

Click on ‘Get OTP’ to receive OTP to UAN registered mobile number and enter the OTP and click on submit.

The employer will digitally approve your EPF transfer request & it will go to the next level approval to PF officer.

Once PF officer approve your PF transfer request, your previous employment PF amount will add in current employment PF (You can check the details in PF Passbook -

Note – Before transfer the PF of your old employment to new employment, please ensure that your previous employer has marked you ‘Exit’ in EPFO Portal.

Recently EPF origination have given the option to employees also can mark himself as ‘Exit’ in UAN site.

Login to Unified portal by using your credentials i.e. UAN number and password

Click on Manage >> and then click on Mark Exit tab

Select the employer and process... but ensure that date of exit can only be updated after 60 days of the last contribution made by the employer.

Online PF Withdrawal

Provident Fund withdrawn within 5 years of service is taxable.

If you are changing your job, then you don’t need to withdraw your PF account, you should transfer your PF amount to the new account instead.

You are not allowed to withdraw your FULL PF balance of a job where you are currently working.

You can withdraw full PF amount after 60 days of the last contribution made by the employer. In this case employee remains unemployed for more than two months.

For Example – If your last working date is 25-Jan-2020 and your employer paid the PF contribution for Jan-2020 on 15-Feb-2020 then you can process the PF withdrawal claim after 15-April-2020.

Partial EPF Can be done under certain situation like:-

Medical treatment of self, spouse, children, or parents,

Marriage of self, son/daughter, and brother/sister,

Education purpose either for account holder’s education or child’s education (post matriculation),

Purchase of land or purchase/construction of a house - land or the house should be in the name of the employee or jointly with the spouse,

Home loan repayment,

House renovation,

EPF online through the EPF portal, make sure that your UAN is activated & linked with KYC.

Steps to apply for EPF withdrawal online:

Sign in to the UAN Member Portal with your UAN and Password.

Once you login into UAN site, go to the “Online Services” Tab & Select “Claim (Form-31, 19,10C& 10D)”

Recheck the Member details displayed on the screen & enter the last 4 digits of your bank account and click on ‘Verify‘

Agree the terms & conditions to process on next screen.

Reconfirm your basic details & click on “I Want to apply for” “Purpose of advance required” you can select from dropdown, Update the advance amount requirement & residence address.

Upload the Bank cheque clear copy, Your Name / Bank Name / Bank Account Number & Bank IFSC code should be visible on cheque.

Once the claim is processed, the amount will be transferred to your bank account. Although no formal time limit has been provided by the EPFO, the money usually gets credited within 15-20 days.

Claim Status

EPF withdrawal status can be checked online at the EPF member portal. You have to log in to the portal online and select the ‘Track Claim Status’ in the ‘Online Services’ section.

You can check your claim status in Passbook Tab also…

Passbook link login with UAN & Password -

Select member ID & Click view on claim status....

Calculation of PF

+ PF (Employer’s Contribution - 12% on Basic + DA)

Only in case Gross Salary (Except HRA & Bonus) is greater than Rs.15000/-, the employee can have option whether to have PF or Not.

But once the PF is deducted and paid to government later in second month employee cannot demand to remove PF from his CTC.

+ PF ADMIN (Employer’s Contribution – 0.50% on Gross Salary (Except HRA & Bonus))

+ EDLIS (Employer’s Contribution - 0.50% on Gross Salary (Except HRA & Bonus)) max limit Rs.75/-.


PF A/c 1 – Employee PF 12% & 3.67% Employer (*)

PF A/c 2 – PF Admin 0.50% on total Gross Salary (Except HRA & Bonus)

PF A/c 10 – FPF 8.33 % - Max upto 1250 (Max Basic+DA considered is Rs.15000/-)

( (*) In Case basic + DA is more than 15000 then 12% less FPF 8.33% goes to PF A/c.1)

PF A/c 21 – 0.50% on Gross Salary (Except HRA & Bonus) (Max Basic +DA considered is Rs.15000/-)


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